Introduction to Visual Editing

Introduction to Visual Editing

Module Title: Writing & Reporting

Mr. Kinley Penjore, Producer, Juthrul Gharken Communication, facilitated an introductory session on editing audio &video materials for the MMJ on 14th Oct 2021.

Training Coordinator gave a welcome remark after which he started the session in a different fashion; he asked to introduce the person sitting next to the individual trainee to know how much they know each other and how curious they have been to know them deeper.

Picking from this point of curiosity, he explained that this trait is very important in editing, editing to best suit the purpose of the video and the message to be conveyed.

He shared that editing skills are crucial to adapt to the changing digital landscape, fast paces information dissemination. He said that media literacy plays a role in bringing out quality content.

He highlighted the following as the stepping stone creating the content:

  • Finding Story
  • Finding ways to tell the story
  • Putting the editing and compiling skills to practice
  • Being curious of new technology
  • Being consistent

He shares with trainees the concept note on types of editing approach. He showed a physical form of editing by lining up trainee and asking them how would they change the order of the line, to which trainees suggested to follow ascending or descending order in term of the trainees height. He pointed that’s exactly how editing on a digital  sphere is carried.

He also gave a brief on some technical aspects such as aspect ratio, storyboard, noise, icon, index, symbol, metaphor to tell stories visually.

Khina asked to elaborate on basic rules of framing and composition of the visual, to which he shared it’s almost similar to the principles applied in Photography.

He said “a photo will look as pleasing with good composition and frame as will a video visual would look”

Tenzin also added what makes a good filmmaker to which he shared ‘that a good story telling skill makes an admired filmmaker, one should have the passion to follow the story and capture the right moment’

Testimonials from participants

Chhimi Dema  ‘The session was interesting as

Khina ‘As an avid collector of films and documentaries, I thoroughly enjoyed the session, it was a summary of the process of how a filmmaker creates art’

Langyel Lhaden ‘Felt the session was not as relevant as I belong to print media and have got less to delve into visual editing skills’

Writing and Reporting module, Multi-Media Journalism training. With support from UNESCOAsian Institute of Journalism and CommunicationJournalists’ Association of Bhutan#bmcitrainings#futurereadyskills#journalism#mmj

5Cee Dee Jamtsho and 4 others

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