Guest Speaker Session on Judicial Process in Bhutan

Guest Speaker Session on Judicial Process in Bhutan

As a part of the Media law module a guest speaker session was conducted on 3rd October 2021 to provide an insight of Judicial Process in Media Law module.

Dasho Ritu Raj Chhetri, a lawyer and a former Member of the Parliament of Bhutan was invited as the guest speaker.

Dasho presented quick highlights on the concept of Law, constitution and penal code of Bhutan. He then shared his experience on the judicial processes especially on how the court convicts or acquits a person/accuse/suspect. He also shared his experience in the judiciary in Bhutan, and the struggles and challenges he faced. He emphasized that the philosophy of Gross National Happiness must guide the democracy in Bhutan.

One of the MMJ trainee Ms. Kinzang Lhaden asked question on what the contempt of court is and how susceptible they are to be charged and how best they can avoid it.  Dasho discussed that being aware of what the concept and how it’s used in the court of law is the best way to keep safe. He added that a journalist with right attitude and mindset can carefully tread along criminal and civil reporting.

Dasho also touched upon sub judice in a response to a question from one of the participants and also mentioned how to deal with it as a journalist.

The session ended with the participants and the guest speaker interacting with each other over the tea session.

Testimonial from participant

Phurpa Wangmo ‘The sessional was informational and to hear the tips and tricks from the pioneers in the field of Judiciary of Bhutan was a great opportunity’

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